

Hermes… ?



“ Ah! “
Hermeneutics !


“ Of course! “
” Hermes the messenger of the Gods “
” The inventor of language, speech and interpretation “

Huh! Now what, mate ?

” Hmmm, I got a really persistent message just now. “
” Repeated over and over, “
” like in a meditation, somehow… “

So you're having waking dreams now ?


“ More like an unintended spontaneous meditation, I guess… “

Ah, right.
And the meaning of the message would be ?


" I believe it is a message for me to focus on communication and interpretation… "

“ Hermes was also a liar, a thief and a trickster. “
“ He introduced, as the saying goes, the tools of deceit and misunderstanding. “

Which are?

“ Again, language, speech, etc… “

Whoa !


“ When you put something into word; then… “

“ …then it is separated from reality, the ding an sich.
“ You've established a model, a simplified approximation. “
“ Models that may easily be misused, consciously or unconsciously. “
“ They may be used to label, belittle, stigmatize and dehumanize… “

" So, what you are saying is that language separates us from reality? "


” Mmmm, yes… “
“ Hence, the human drama! “

Yeah, ok, as somebody once said:

I hover like vapour over the semantic swamp.